joi, 11 iunie 2009


"Born in Rio De Janeiro on October 7, 1976, Aline Kistenmacker Barros was recognized by the Brazilian secular media for her beautiful voice, and invited to participate as a guest on several television programs. Aline Barros is considered one of the most well-known and important singers in the field of Brazilian segment gospel. Barros is most well-known in Latin America. She is married to Gilmar Santos, a former soccer player. They have a son named Nicolas Giorgi Barros, born in 2005. She sang with Integrity Music singers Don Moen and Paul Wilbur.

Her song "Pula Pula" has been a runaway hit in Romania.[1] [2]"

idk ce e un runaway hit... dar stiu ca melodia a fost misto rau de tot

si inca mai e

si pana la urma... cine na cautat pula pe youtube :)

[pula pula pula]

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